Achieve Your Goals with My Programs | What to Expect

Find out why I am passionate about this work and what you can expect from my services.

My purpose is to help you connect with your deepest intentions, goals and needs.

Together we will cocreate a lifestyle -a set of healthy habits- that you can identify with as the new you! They will inform your life in an energetic, clear, and highly functional way!
Some of the healing modalities that I use are: Movement Menus, Mental rehearsal, Identity Change, The Work, The Presence Process, Marriage of Spirit, Mindful Meditation and Mantra, Sidda Yoga, Radical Forgiveness, Non-Violent Communication, Journeling with Intention.

HI! I am a certified Health and Life Coach and an Astrologer who would love to be your well-wisher, mentor, and guide.

About Gino-Astrologer, Life, and Longevity Coach

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) :

1) What is the difference between an Astrologer and an Astrology Coach?*
As an Astrologer, I interpret your various charts. As an Astrology Coach, consider me as your personal Astrology trainer. I'm available for monthly subscriptions to help you process all the various energetic challenges, and also to guide you into alignment during pivotal moments of personal planetary shifts.
2) What makes me different from any other coach?*

Every coach is unique, and some might be better suited for certain needs. I view you as a spirit-soul encased in a physical body. My approach is in supporting identity shift and creating balance, and lasting change, from the inside out. I will make myself available to you for weekly, 2x per month, monthly, or 90-day subscriptions.

3) Do my programs guarantee weight loss?*

No one can guarantee weight loss! But with dietary balance, wise food choices that are congruent wth your body type, and the mindful cultivation of habits that allow you to be present,weight naturally tends to fall off (and stay off)! If you add to that my unconditional support and implement my twice-yearly Body Boost, you will likely see dramatic results!

*Note- During your free 30-minute cosultation, I will help you identify your specific goals and needs, and we will begin to customize sessions that are tailor-made for your ultimate success!

Get in Touch

Gino-Astrologer, Life, and Longevity Coach